
The prep-it utility scans the platform sub-directory and loads data files into various backends. The following sections describe each directory name that is supported and its expected content.

prep-it ([-q|--quiet] | [-v|--verbose]) [-d|--dir DIRECTORY]
prep-it (-h | --help | --version)

Specifies the directory to process. If unspecified, the “platform” directory is processed.

-v, --verbose

Write diagnostics to standard output. Without this flag, informational messages will be displayed.

-q, --quiet

Only show output when an error occurs.

-h, --help

Display a usage synopsis and exit with a failure status.


Display the package version and exit with a failure status.


JSON files containing top-level object definitions (e.g., dictionaries) that are loaded into a Consul key-value store using a consulate.Consul instance. The Consul endpoint is configured by setting the CONSUL_HOST and CONSUL_PORT environment variables.


JSON files containing an array of objects, one per request. Each object is simply a list of parameters passed into requests.request(). The following properties are usually what you want:

url:The targetted resource. This may be modified as described below.
method:The HTTP method to request.
params:Optional dictionary of query parameters.
headers:Optional dictionary of headers to send.
json:Optional body that will be JSON encoded before being sent.

The url value may contain environment variables in the host and/or port number values. For example http://$CONSUL_HOST:$CONSUL_PORT/... is rewritten to if the CONSUL_HOST environment variable is set to and the CONSUL_PORT environment variable is set to 37832.

The user name and password parameters are removed from the URL and placed into the auth keyword parameter if they are present in the URL.


JSON files that contain RabbitMQ HTTP API commands to execute. Each command is represented by an object with the following properties:

path:The resource to send the request to.
method:The HTTP method to invoke (e.g., POST, DELETE)
body:The body to send with the request.

The RabbitMQ server is identified by setting the RABBITMQ environment variable to the host and port of the HTTP API endpoint.


JSON files each containing a top-level object definition where each property names a redis command. The property value is another object definition where the name is the redis key and the value is a list of values to pass to the command.

For example, the following JSON file would result in calling the SADD redis command to add "abuse", "admin", "postmaster", and "root" to the admin_type_address redis set.

   "SADD": {
      "admin_type_address": [

The redis server is configured by setting the REDIS_URI environment variable to a redis url.


SQL files that are executed using queries. The database server is configured by setting the PGSQL environment variable. The database name is based on the file name minus the assumed .sql suffix. The database will be dropped if it exists and then created anew before running the SQL commands from the file.

The database connection for a specific database can also be specified by setting the PGSQL_$DBNAME environment variable where $DBNAME is the name of the database in upper-case. If a database specific environment variable exists, then the database will not be created automatically.